#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Philip Plane # philip@xinqu.net # EW Task Tool Version 1.0 use Tk; use Tk::widgets qw/Dialog ErrorDialog ROText/; use strict; # Generate task declaration suitable to EW. # example supplied looks like this: #FLIGHT DECLARATION #------------------- # #Description: To Heaven and Back #Take Off LatLong: 0000000N00000000E TAKE OFF #Start LatLon: 0000000N00000000E START #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT #Finish LatLon: 0000000N00000000E FINISH #Land LatLon: 0000000N00000000E LAND my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->CmdLine; $mw->title("Turnpoints"); $mw->minsize(175,50); $mw->configure(-menu => my $menubar = $mw->Menu); my $file = $menubar->cascade(qw/-label File -underline 0 -menuitems/ => [ [command => 'Open', -command => [\&load_dat]], [command => 'Exit', -command => [\&exit]], ]); my $igc = $menubar->cascade(qw/-label Task -underline 0 -menuitems/ => [ [command => 'Add', -command => [\&add_to_task]], [command => 'Delete', -command => [\&del_from_task]], [command => 'Write', -command => [\&write_task]], ]); my $help = $menubar->cascade(qw/-label Help -underline 0 -menuitems/ => [ [command => 'About'], [command => 'Add'], [command => 'Delete'], [command => 'Write'], [command => 'Open'], ]); my $DIALOG_ABOUT = $mw->Dialog( -title => 'About Task tool', -bitmap => 'info', -default_button => 'OK', -buttons => ['OK'], -text => "EW Task tool\nPhilip Plane\n" . "9 March 2007\n\nPerl Version $]" . "\nTk Version $Tk::VERSION\n\n" . "Creates task definitions for the EW MicroRecorder", ); $help->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure('About', -command => [$DIALOG_ABOUT => 'Show'], ); my $DIALOG_ADD = $mw->Dialog( -title => 'Adding to Task', -bitmap => 'info', -default_button => 'OK', -buttons => ['OK'], -text => "To add a turnpoint from the turnpoint list " . "to the task, select the turnpoint from the " . "turnpoint list, then select Add from the Task " . "menu. The turnpoint will be added to the bottom " . "of the task.", ); $help->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure('Add', -command => [$DIALOG_ADD => 'Show'], ); my $DIALOG_DELETE = $mw->Dialog( -title => 'Delete from task', -bitmap => 'info', -default_button => 'OK', -buttons => ['OK'], -text => "To delete a turnpoint from the task, select " . "the turnpoint from the task list, then " . "select Delete from the task menu. The turnpoint " . "will be deleted from the task.", ); $help->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure('Delete', -command => [$DIALOG_DELETE => 'Show'], ); my $DIALOG_WRITE = $mw->Dialog( -title => 'Write task', -bitmap => 'info', -default_button => 'OK', -buttons => ['OK'], -text => "Opens a window with the task presented in the " . "format used by the EW MicroRecorder. " . "This is intended to be cut and pasted into the " . "configuration file on the MicroRecorder. " , ); $help->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure('Write', -command => [$DIALOG_WRITE => 'Show'], ); my $DIALOG_OPEN = $mw->Dialog( -title => 'Open file', -bitmap => 'info', -default_button => 'OK', -buttons => ['OK'], -text => "Opens a turnpoint file in Cambridge .DAT " . "format. This is loaded into the left pane " . "to allow turnpoints the be selected and added " . "to the task. " , ); $help->cget(-menu)->entryconfigure('Open', -command => [$DIALOG_OPEN => 'Show'], ); $mw->Label(-text=>"Turnpoints")->grid( "x", $mw->Label(-text=>"Task")); my $lb = $mw->Scrolled("Listbox", -scrollbars => "e", -selectmode => "single")->grid(-row=> 0, -column=> 0, -rowspan=> 2, -sticky=> "nsew"); $mw->Button(-text=>"Add ->", -command=> \&add_to_task )->grid(-row=> 0, -column=> 1, -sticky=> "sew"); my $task = $mw->Scrolled("Listbox", -scrollbars => "e", -selectmode => "single")->grid(-row=> 0, -column=> 2, -rowspan=> 2, -sticky=> "nsew"); $mw->Button(-text=>"Del <-", -command=> \&del_from_task )->grid(-row=> 1, -column=> 1, -sticky=> "new"); my @dat = (); my %lat = (); my %lng = (); sub load_dat { my $types = [ ['DAT Files','.dat'], ['DAT Files','.DAT'], ]; my $igc = $mw->getOpenFile(-initialdir=>'C:', -filetypes=>$types); if ( defined $igc ){ my @igc = split /\//,$igc; my $igcfile = pop @igc; open IGC, $igc or die "Can't open $igc : $!\n"; my @log = ; close IGC; while ( $_ = shift @log ){ if ( $_ =~ /^\d/ ){ @dat = split(/\,/,$_); if ( $dat[4] =~ /T|S|F/ ){ if ( $dat[5] eq "" ) { $dat[5] = $dat[0] } $lat{$dat[5]} = $dat[1]; $lng{$dat[5]} = $dat[2]; $lb->insert('end',$dat[5]); } } } } } sub add_to_task { my @selection = $lb->curselection(); foreach ( @selection ){ my $turnpoint =$lb->get($_); $task->insert('end',$turnpoint); } } sub del_from_task { my @selection = $task->curselection(); foreach ( @selection ){ $task->delete($_); } } sub write_task { my $bwin = $mw->Toplevel(); $bwin->title("Flight Declaration"); my $text = $bwin->Scrolled("Text")->pack(); $text->delete("1.0","end"); $text->insert("end","FLIGHT DECLARATION\n"); $text->insert("end","-------------------\n"); $text->insert("end","\n"); $text->insert("end","Description: To Heaven and Back\n"); my @elements = $task->get(0,'end'); my $start = shift @elements; my $finish = pop @elements; my $lat = $lat{$start}; my $lng = $lng{$start}; $lat =~ s/://; $lng =~ s/://; $lat =~ s/\.//; $lng =~ s/\.//; $text->insert("end","Start LatLon: " . $lat . $lng . " " . $start . "\n"); foreach ( @elements ){ my $lat = $lat{$start}; my $lng = $lng{$start}; $lat =~ s/://; $lat =~ s/\.//; $lng =~ s/://; $lng =~ s/\.//; $text->insert("end","TP LatLon: " . $lat . $lng . " " . $_ . "\n"); } $lat = $lat{$finish}; $lng = $lng{$finish}; $lat =~ s/://; $lat =~ s/\.//; $lng =~ s/://; $lng =~ s/\.//; $text->insert("end","Finish LatLon: " . $lat . $lng . " " . $finish . "\n"); } MainLoop;